When I started this blog back in 2009, its purpose was originally to...
- recount my adventures at festivals
- deal with my relationship with food (as well as staying fit).
Well, by the time 2011 rolled around, my Ohio Festivals website launched and all my festival adventures migrated there.
And, although this blog did deal with other travels, food adventures and the like, the blog title continued to only confuse people...
Therefore, I've decided to put this blog to rest and give birth to another...
The name plays off the Italian word mangiamo ("let's eat) with a little Ohio (OH) reference and it will more clearly deal with my food-related adventures in Ohio and beyond.
There will still be plenty of foodie fun pics, fantastic writing and that good-feeling sensation you feel after each of my posts.
It will just be under a blog title that will be far easier to remember. :-)
So please subscribe and check in regularly.
I'll be waiting for you! (Vi aspetto!)
- Kristian